Friday, October 12, 2012


"The common defect of all mystical systems previous to that of the Aeon 
whose Law is Thelema 
is that there has been no place for Laughter." 
~ Aleister Crowley , "Laughter," Little Essays Towards Truth

"And there is no Vision more critical in the career of the Adept of Horus than the Universal Joke. ... In the idea of Laughter is inherent that of Cruelty... Nature is full of cruelty; its highest points of joy and victory are marked by laughter." (Source) On "nature's cruel laughter" see Loren Coleman's piece on Hurricane Isaac (among other things): "Isaac Laughs." Additionally, 23 years ago the power Category 5 Hurricane Hugo made "[l]andfall in South Carolina midnight on the night of the 21st" of September, 1989.

"For [U.S. Vice President Joe] Biden and [Representative Paul] Ryan, debate becomes a laughing matter". Stewart and ("Lincoln-Killing") O'Reilly paved the way. The "real" debate is mocking the mockery, I suppose. Of the "debate," O'Reilly is supposed to have stated: "[Y]ou wouldn't see this in a lot of other countries. That's for sure." (Source) Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day. (Cf.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8) It's a palimpsest of mockery. "As the mountebank delivered his harangue, the clown would repeatedly poke his head out from behind the curtain, making fun of everything his master said, parodying his patter and twisting the meaning of his words. The mountebank played the perfect straight man, meanwhile. Here he was, trying so hard to hawk his wares, and his own assistant was doing everything possible to undermine sales. The merriment was of course intentional. While the clown seemingly encouraged the public not to buy the proffered merchandise, the mountebank knew full well that the bystanders would easily be converted into customers as soon as they forgot that they were, in fact, supposed to be buying. Once the audience had been effectively hypnotized, once its judgment and willpower had been weakened, the real sales pitch could begin..." (J.H. Towsen, Clowns; qtd. in Hoffman, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, p. 18).
This jesting at the jest has been called the risus purus - the "pure laughter." "The highest form of laughter (the "risus purus" Beckett calls it in his early novel Watt) is the laughter about human unhappiness." (Source)
(It's risible)

Risu!: "Ay! let us end with that most sudden surprising Word of a certain Angel of The Vision and the Voice, who left the Seer lapsed in his solemn Trance with the gay laughing phrase—"But I go dancing!" The Tables of the Law? Bah! Solvuntur tabulae—risu!" (Crowley, op. cit.)

Note, in the above Beckett quotation that the "risus purus" is connected with the word "dianoetic." The root word "noetic" has to do with Reason - that is, the rational faculties - and is derived from the word "nous" ("mind"). "Dia" is a Greek preposition that means "through" or "by means of." For his "Dianetics," Hubbard apparently just dropped the mind and substituted a net. "THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them." (L. Ron Hubbard) In this way, Hubbard was a bit ahead of his time. For nowadays most of us seem to get our information dia-net - through the "net" or "world wide web." Or, as Hoffman has put it, we're "wired to the data hive" (op. cit.).

"The core of the reactive mind is called the bank. It may surprise you to learn that the bank consists of word-phrases called GPMs (Goals-Problems-Mass) placed there to confuse..." (Source) "The 'Laughter-Calm' GPM, or implant, is described as having taken place 19,670 trillion years ago[:] 'This takes place in a cave. It is 7-1/8ths of a second in duration. It has screams of laughter, very wild, and calm....It is a pole with a split in it. Laughter comes from the rear half and calm from the front half simultaneously. Then they reverse. It gives one a sensation of total disagreement. The trick is to conceive of both at the same time. This tends to knock one out....'" (Source)

(It's Rise-able)

MoveOn comments: "Phew! Last night, Joe Biden kicked butt and may have put the brakes on Mitt Romney's rise." (Anna Galland,, Email, Friday, October 12, 2012 2:54 PM)

Tarot: "De Mercurio...The sense of humour of this god is very strong. He is not sentimental about his principal function; he regards the Universe as an excellent practical joke; yet he recognizes that Jupiter is serious, and the Universe is serious, although he laughs at them for being serious. ...THE LORD OF ILLUSION..." (Aleister Crowley, The Book of Thoth, p. 128.)
(Source; "Glenn Beck Calls Himself a ‘Rodeo Clown’")

"Indeed the human face when crying can seem very close if not identical to that same face laughing."
(Source: Michael Taussig, "The Language of Flowers," Critical Inquiry, Vol. 30, No. 1 [Autumn 2003], p. 98.)

[Update 16 October 2012]

Pre-Halloween Candy 
(Candy Alt Crowley; Photo Source)

"Presidential debate moderators announced: Crowley is first woman in 20 years ...The 2012 presidential debates will feature a female moderator for the first time in 20 years. The Presidential Debate Commission announced Monday that PBS’s Jim Lehrer, CBS’s Bob Schieffer and CNN’s Candy Crowley will moderate the three presidential debates, while ABC’s Martha Raddatz will moderate the lone vice presidential debate between Vice President Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). Crowley is the first female moderator for a presidential debate since ABC’s Carole Simpson, who was the last female to land the gig in 1992." (Source) See also the Lewis Carroll-like "Alice"-reference, below.

(Say it crow-ly; Photo Source)

"CNN’s Candy Crowley recently called Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan the 'death wish ticket.'" (Source) CNN's Candy Crowley claimed some Republicans think this 'looks a little bit like some sort of ticket death wish.'" (Source) "CROWLEY: ...looks a little bit like some sort of ticket death wish." (Source)

" though Kennedy would be alive today if you'd been in bed at 10:00 p.m. That's ludicrous. ... You wanted to station agents on his bumpers and side boards. He refused. Do you know why I think he refused? I think he refused because he had a death wish. He talked all the time about being assassinated. His favorite poem was 'I Have a Rendezvous with Death'... which is not a good poem, Frank. I think he wanted to die. ..." ~ John Malkovich as assassin Mitch Leary, Calling Clint Eastwood as Agent Frank Horrigan, from "Lafayette Park," Movie: "In the Line of Fire". On "Lafayette", see here (the post includes numerous links to several now classic articles on the "Fayette Factor").
("Go ask Alice, I think she'll know" ~ Jefferson Airplane, "White Rabbit"; Photo Source)

"Malkovich, who leaves a trail of bodies as he stalks the president, likes to tantalize Eastwood by phone with new riddles, threats and pearls of wisdom." (Source) Candy Crowley ("In an interview with CNN..."): "They will call on 'Alice,' and 'Alice' will stand up and ask a question. Both candidates will answer. Then there's time for a follow-up question, facilitating a discussion, whatever you want to call it,' Crowley said. 'So if Alice asks oranges, and someone answers apples, there's the time to go, 'But Alice asked oranges? What's the answer to that?' Or, 'Well, you say this, but what about that?'" (Source)

Speaking of "In the Line of Fire," who was it recently making cryptic throat-cutting motions at the Republic Convention? Read about it HERE.

As Jim Brandon pointed out years ago in "Sirius Rising," JFK was reported to have read a book called The King Must Die. "As a child, Jack Kennedy would 'devour [stories of] the knights of the Round Table,' according to Jackie. After the Wisconsin primary during the 1960 election campaign, he read The King Must Die, by Mary Renault, about the martyrdom of such folk heroes as Arthur in Britain and Roland in France." (Source)
(Orange grove; Source)

For more, see HERE.